The PBY Catalina Foundation
is a registered nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation.
The PBY Catalina Foundation is governed
President's Message:
Welcome to the PBY Catalina Foundation website.
To those who have come to us for the first time, please tour around the site. We hope that you enjoy what we have put together regarding the history of a great aircraft and her ground and flight crews. This is just the beginning of a new phase in the Foundation’s history toward the goals set forth as a 501(c) (3).
For those who have returned after some years of absence, welcome home. Like the Phoenix, we are renewed to continue the mission of preserving the PBY Catalina’s aircraft and history.
We plan to do this with the help and donations from ex-crew and the rescued. Their children and grandchildren will be of pivotal importance to aid us in the research from letters home, flight logs, diaries, and personal stories. We will also look to corporate funding, foundations, and other interested parties to support our various projects that still include MIA research and we are also planning a movie. Yes, a movie.
Tax deductible donations will be greeted with a “Thank You Gift” from the gift shop. As we move forward with our plans, we will develop other levels of donations and “Thank You Gifts” to support our expanding programs.
We cannot do this without your support. We will continue to expand our “Chronicles” with stories, poems, and cartoons supplied via our research and contributions from the PBY community. Remember: "History that is not remembered is history that never happened".
Allen L. James

Guardian Angel - The Film
Low on the horizon, a smoke flare streaks across the muddy sky. One of ours? Or the enemy's? Ensign Fisler angles their ungainly PBY-5 to get a closer look at this "bogey" tossing in the massive...
Our Goals:
- To collect, restore, and operate PBY Catalina aircraft
- To educate and inform the public of the origin, usage, history and importance of PBY's
- To establish an aviation history museum with emphasis on the PBY
- To honor and support the needs of homeless veterans
- To create a dramatic film about a heroic, real-life WWII PBY rescue
Click here for Remembering page:
Memorial Wall
Military Records Research